Kevin Leckey
Kevin Leckey is a photographer in Chicago. Follow him as he tumbles through the Windy City, DSLR in hand.
kcleckey [at] gmail [dot] com
Finding Inspiration

I can't count the number of times I walk by something and think "wow, that would make a really beautiful picture." This is a rare example in which I actually follow through. This is a picture of a shower curtain, and though it's undeniably mundane, I think the sharpness of the drops play well against the softness of the focus and light.
I think this is also maybe the second time I've ever shot a black and white picture. History in the making!
Winter's Coming Around Again

You can take me out of Texas, but you can't take the Texas out of me. This afternoon we had snow showers that lasted all of 14 seconds, and I still ran outside like a little kid.
Kevin Leckey is a photographer in Chicago.