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This is why it's great to have a blog, even if you aren't actively posting every minute.  A kind man in London found my (personal) blog and invited me to join his community of writers, and it's a great exercise to write these 800-word or less pieces.  Especially if you've only been working on novels and 25-page assignments for years.

Feeling stuck?  Write a little 200-word essay on your house.  Or your childhood.  Or your best friend.

Need a little inspiration but don't have time for a great Russian novel?  You can browse by topic-- love, parenting, loss, spirituality.  Whatever you're in the mood for.

So, I just started, but this is what it's like: you get your own page, or you can see everything in a format similar to pinterest, but with stories instead of pictures.  My first piece is about a four-year-old's take on marriage and only 100 words long, and my second piece is more of an essay on how to get over someone.  You can do anything, write anything, and be in a supportive community of writers.  So, if the way to constantly improve your craft is to keep working at it, it makes sense to work at it in a variety of ways.

The weekly challenges are a great way to start.  This week: write about your first...

Have fun!

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